Never gain competence to the point that you stop learning new things. Consider yourself a lifelong learner.

About Us

E learning can be defined as “a learning system that we can obtain through the internet using an electronic device”. Here the ‘e’ refers to ‘electronic’; hence, the full form of e-learning is electronic learning. Other terms used to describe e-learning are online learning or online training, where the term ‘online’ refers to an internet connection or “through the use of the Internet.” .

Synchronous E-learning.

This is when the students and instructors interact with each other in real-time, although they are in different geographical locations. In synchronous learning or real-time learning, the learning resources are distributed via mobile, video conference, or online chatting.

n this case, the courses are self-paced and can be completed at the convenience of the student. The students and instructors don’t interact in real-time in this case. The students can pause and resume the courses whenever they feel like. The learning resources here can be in the form of blogs, CDs, DVDs, forums, and eBooks.



The fact that you can have access to courses anywhere and anytime is one of the biggest advantages of e-learning



They are truly easy on your pocket. This may not seem apparent at the first go, since there are a number of paid courses too.



Every individual has a different learning pace and retention level. While some people are comfortable learning through notes,


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Another important advantage of e-learning is that learners get immediate feedback on their work.



E-learning courses are a great way to increase the productivity of employees, since they help you stay updated on the current industry processes.