- Webinar Duration90 Min
- Webinar Date22 Jan. 2025
- Webinar IdAT3398
Are you prepared to conduct a proper investigation? Will it comply with all Federal, State, and local laws and all your policies? Will that investigation be objective and respect all party’s rights? Will it be presented in a professional manner?
If done right an investigation can help get to the bottom of things. If done wrong, it all too often makes things worse. So, it pays to know how to do it right every step of the way. The challenge of complying with all applicable standards/regulations is to educate and update all who are responsible for conducting investigations within the organization. Otherwise, they may not have the tools or skill sets to be aware of all those obligations and responsibilities which in turn can lead to unintentional violations of law and challenges to the integrity and credibility of the investigation and its results/conclusions.
What will you learn
- Maintaining ethical behavior in all aspects of the investigation
- Always respecting the parties.
- Staying focused on the issue(s) and not getting distracted or exceeding one’s authority.
- Conducting a clearly organized and well-documented investigation.
- How to avoid common legal minefields
- How to identify and use standards and models of proof to aid the investigation
- Provide parties with a concise and objective report of the facts, analysis of those facts, and conclusions and or recommendations.
Area Covered In The Webinar
- The Investigator’s role
- The art of objectivity
- Benefits of multiple interview styles/techniques
- Proper application of “Yes/No” questions
- Single vs. multiple interview sessions
- Documenting the investigation from complaint to conclusion
- Standards/models of proof and when/how to utilize them.
- The two major types of workplace investigations (Title VII and misconduct)
- Avoiding legal minefields:
- Negligent Investigation, Interference with Contractual Obligations, Loudermill Rights, Weingarten Rights, Violation of Public Policy, False light, Defamation, False Imprisonment, Intentional or Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress, Searches and Monitoring/Surveillance.
Why should you attend?
This webinar can help you and your organization understands what’s required to conduct an effective and professional investigation while minimizing risk (financial, legal, damage to internal and external reputation, etc.).
Who Will Benefit?
All level Managers, Supervisors, Human Resources, Employee Relations, Labor Relations, Attorney’s, and Union Officers/Representatives/Stewards, all levels of Law Enforcement or Security staff.