Avoid Liabilities-Perfect your Understanding of Payroll Tax Withholding

  • Webinar Duration60 Min
  • Webinar Date07 Feb. 2025
  • Webinar IdAT3426


Paying employees is one of the biggest expenses for a company.  Any company that has employees is required to withhold and pay payroll taxes. In addition to what you withhold from an employee, there are taxes that you, as an employer, must pay. The size of your business, where you are located, and where your employees live and work all factor into what you must withhold from employees’ wages and what you must pay as an employer. Understanding these things and knowing how much to withhold, how often to pay, and where to pay can be difficult.

In this webinar, payroll expert Debbie Cash, CPP, will go over the different types of withholding that must be withheld from an employee’s paycheck.  She'll discuss in detail how to determine what to withhold and how this can change as your business grows and liabilities increase. You will understand what to watch for and when to change how and when you must pay. Details of what reports are to be filed and how often you file them will be included.

The types of employer taxes that must be paid are also important. Make sure you comply and pay your employer’s share of the taxes. The IRS and State and Local Governments assess big fines and penalties if businesses do not pay properly. You want to avoid these liabilities as much as possible. This webinar will help you understand all types of payroll taxes and how to watch for signs to avoid payroll tax liabilities.

Area Covered In The Webinar

Federal Income Tax

 FICA and Medicare Tax

 State Taxes

  Local Taxes

  Unemployment Taxes-Both State and Federal

Why should you attend?

Understanding payroll taxes is complicated. How do I know how much to withhold? How often do I pay? Which taxes do I withhold? Taxes are complex, and complying with them is very important. You withhold this money from an employee’s wages, and there are serious consequences for not paying these taxes. Fines and penalties can be assessed for companies who fail to pay taxes properly to the extent that their business can be shut down. As businesses grow and expand, their liabilities can change. This often results in changes in how usually they must pay. Not understanding this and knowing the rules of when to pay your taxes will result in notices and possible liens against your business. Laws constantly change, and keeping up with payroll laws can be daunting. 

Attending this webinar will give you the basic knowledge of what to look for, where to find information, and how to stay compliant. You will better understand payroll taxes and how to avoid liabilities. Details of how to calculate taxes and what reports are required will be discussed,d along with how often they must be paid. Whether you are new to processing payroll taxes or the Owner trying to understand more about what you are paying, you will want to attend and better understand the ins and outs of payroll tax withholding.

Who Will Benefit?

Payroll Tax Professionals


Small Business Owners


Tax Preparers

